Thursday, March 26, 2009

Not quite quick enough

I will write more soon to update all the exciting new adventures in the land of Teagan, but before I forget I wanted to let you know that over the last week Teagan has gotten more steady on her feet and can stand on her own and has even take 1-2 steps towards mommy and daddy, but today while I had her in her highchair and I was putting away the dishes she was reaching for her book on the table and screaming. So I did what any untrained first mom does and give her what she wants so she will stop screaming. I know I know reinforce the positive behavior, NOT the negative behavior, but putting that aside I am glad I gave her the book because I go back to putting away the dishes and a hear her "talking" and I look back and she is turning the pages and "reading" something on each page. It might be the cutest thing I have seen her do yet. I tried to get the video camera, but as you guessed it by the title of the blog I was "not quite quick enough" and when I left the room the screaming returned and not the sweet reader...(more later).