Thursday, July 8, 2010

May 2010

My grandfather passed away on May 8th. He had not been doing well for the last year so the news was very sad for us, but good that his suffering was over. I keep trying to focus on what a wonderful grandfather he was that always makes me smile to remember all the great memories. I went out to Colorado for the memorial service and funeral. It was nice to be able to see the family and meet some of the old neighbors that grew up with my dad and my uncle. The service was in the same church that my dad went to as a kid and that my grandpa had been going to for years and years as well as got married in and that was very special. We even got to see my dad’s picture from when he received his eagle scout in the church when he was 18. We took some pictures together since it was nice to have everyone together.

Anika, Collin and Maddie

Steven, Linda and Tom

The two brothers – Tom and Jim ( I did get a picture with Tom sticking out his tongue, but I thought this one was probably a more respectable photo of the two of them).

Delsa, Deb, Dad and myself

Later in the dad we took a walk around downtown Fort Collins. It was such a beautiful day, a day my grandpa would have loved to walk in the park with his dog Misty.

I was able to stop by and have dinner with Maggie and see her new place which was great.

Later in the month as the weather got warmer by in Virginia we had more time outside with Teagan.
I brought back B-day gifts for Teagan from the Walds and the Gardening set was a big hit. She got right to watering the palm tree and flowers at front.

Here she is showing off her shovel and rack. She could not get enough of the ladybug garden gloves and even after we went inside she wanted to keep them on. This is funny from a kid that never wanted to have mittens on during the winter.

It has been many years since we braved the holiday weekend at the beach but this year we went down to Virginia Beach with my mom and had a great time.

After the day at the beach, Teagan took a nap with all her toys in her pack n play

Teagan and Grandma

I loved this photo of all the balls with a smiley face and 2010 on it. There is Craig with Teagan in the stoller on the right. (see photos with people in them – sometimes I forget)

Teagan playing with her sunhat in the room

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