Sunday, December 21, 2008


For Teagan's first Halloween Grandma Demlow made her a bee outfit, and I know that I am biased, but I think she might be the cutest bee I have ever seen. We even took her to the mall to have some photos taken. Craig, Kourtney, the photographer and myself all had a great time as Teagan smiled and posed as if she was a pro. I don't have those photos to put on line but I will try to scan one in latter.

For Halloween Christi was nice enough to have an "Under Two Party" for the munchkins. We all had a great time the kids got to play and we all got to visit with each other. Claire was such a good hostess and let all the kids play with her toys, I was very impressed.
Craig, Claire, and Jon

Erika and Ella

Craig, Teagan and myself for our first family Halloween photo

We lined them all up for a group photo:
We had a little monkey, a little piggy, two chickens and a bee. We almost had the whole "Old McDonald had a Farm"

Miss Teagan Beagan

And we got one last picture with all the mom's and babies before we headed home so the little ones could get to bed

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